Health and Safety

The Parish of St Andrew & St George, Stevenage  

Health and Safety Policy


As a church we understand that we owe a duty of care to ensure the safety of those who visit or use our church and its environs.

We also know that, where we are an employer or control premises in certain circumstances, we have to meet the requirements of health and safety law.

In particular, we know that if we are an employer having five or more employees, we are required to have a written health and safety policy. As such, we have drafted this policy to meet our duty under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

General Statement of Policy


Our policy is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that our activities are carried out safely and do not pose a risk to the health of our employees, volunteers, congregation, visitors and others who may use the church, churchyard or any other building we are responsible for. This will be in accordance with good practice and any relevant statutory provisions where they apply.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) accepts its overall responsibility for this. We will ensure that adequate resources are made available to achieve this objective. Any decisions we make will have due regard for it.

We will appoint a member of the PCC to have specific responsibility for this policy and its implementation.

We will keep health and safety matters under review at appropriate intervals.

We will monitor the effectiveness of the policy, amending it where we believe it is no longer valid.

It is the duty of each employee and volunteer to exercise personal responsibility for their own safety and that of others. This policy will be brought to their attention. We will try to ensure that everyone involved with the church plays his or her part in its implementation.

Specific arrangements for managing health and safety will be set out in suitable sub-documents which will be approved by the relevant responsible person or persons.

The organisation and responsibilities for this policy are given below.





This policy was approved by the PCC on 17th July 2023


St Andrew and St George Stevenage – Health and Safety Policy                                                                Page 1

Organisation and Responsibilities


Overall Responsibility

A named individual will have overall responsibility for implementing the policy. The PCC will appoint this individual and review it annually.

The PCC appointed individual is Nigel Bozwood Davies.

This individual will ensure that:

       The standards set out in this policy are implemented and maintained

       Any accidents are investigated, recorded and reported if necessary

       Where necessary, specialist health and safety assistance is obtained

       Relevant health and safety documents and records are retained

       Any hazards reported to them are rectified immediately

       They keep up to date on health and safety matters relevant to the church

       Only competent persons carry out repairs, modifications, inspections and tests

       Set a personal example on matters of health and safety

Day-to-day Responsibility

The churchwardens have day-to-day responsibility for implementing our policy.

The churchwardens are:    Beryl Pritchard and Mike Wilson.

They will ensure that:

       All employees and volunteers are aware of their health and safety responsibilities

       Where defects cannot be corrected immediately, interim steps are taken to prevent danger

       Adequate precautions are taken as set out in this policy and related risk assessments

       All accidents are reported in-line with the requirements of this policy

       Adequate information and training is provided for those that need it

       Advice is sought where clarification is necessary on the implementation of this policy

       Any hazards or complaints are investigated and dealt with as soon as possible

       Set a personal example on matters of health and safety

Individual Responsibility

All employees and volunteers have a responsibility to cooperate in the implementation of this policy and to take reasonable care of themselves and others while on church business or premises.

They will ensure that they:

       Read this policy and understand what is required of them

       Complete their work taking any necessary precautions to protect themselves and others

       Comply with any safety rules, operating instructions and other working procedures

       Report any hazard, defect or damage, so that this might be dealt with

       Warn any new employees or volunteers of known hazards

       Attend any training required to enable them to carry out their duties safely

       Do not undertake any repair or modification unless they are competent to do so

       Report any accident

       Do not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety